Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Crime Data Comparison Essay

This week in class we were asked to choose two metropolitan areas with different data and write a paper comparing the occurrence of the offense in the selected areas. We were asked to identify the number of occurrences reported to the police for each area, and address the following questions which area had more reported incidents? What were the rates of the crime for each area? Did the rates change over time in either area? What factors might explain the differences in the rates? The information will be presented as it appears above. New York and New Jersey are two metropolitan areas that have had a lot of crime both high profile media grabbing attention and low profile everyday crime occurrences. Therefore these two metro areas can provide for very good demographical crime data as well as have a good base to study from due to the high crime rates in both areas. As such this paper will be comparing forcible rape crime data from both areas to see what is happening in this particular field. So with looking at the web site and looking for info on these two areas and the categories forcible rape it is very clear that this is a very big crime in both areas in new jersey the total for 2011 is 1,006 rape case which the year before in 2010 was at 981 cases which is a 2.5 % increase in this crime. In New York where this crime is a lot higher in totals 2,752 which is 1.6 % less than in 2010’s 2,797 cases. With this data we can see a few things happening here for one we can see that New York has a drop in rap e cases in one year and that New Jersey has increased in this crime, and this could be due to a number of reasons. We know that the two states are almost one in the same and that many people who work in New York live in New Jersey which could mean that these cases could involve residents from both areas and so both would have possibly been reported to. We could speculate that New Jersey has a less severe punishment than New York for rape crime and so the criminals would go to that area to commit the crime due to a less harsh punishment if caught. Another factor on this could be to release times of prisoners within the state that may go to metro areas and commit crimes; this could be a very real factor to consider due to the likely hood of violent criminals repeating their crimes. At any rate not just one factor is the most likely reason as to why we see a drop in New York and an increase in New Jersey. The probability that it has to do with most of if not all stated factors is very real, especially since rape is not a crime that can be predicted nor really deter able unfortunately. And with both metro areas having such high populations it is also possible that many cases were never reported, which is why New York and New Jersey both estimate a total as well as keep records for the actual total. In New York they had an estimate of 2,972 rape case that’s almost three hundred unreported rapes that may have happened. So with knowing that the actual rape cases reported versus the estimated total one could see that even though the statistics are going down and it may look like the crime rate in an area is going down you would still need to see the estimated totals and compare to see what could be unreported and unknown. With the info we have and the estimates on it as well it is clear that although I may appear that New York is getting a handle on its rape crime it may not be as well off as it appears and although New Jersey has had an increase in rape cases it also has lowered its estimate which could be a good sign or bad and unfortunately that is the way crime an statistics go ever changing and adapting. References Uniform Crime Report. (n.d). Retrieved from

Food Intake 3 Days

During my three day food intake I discovered that I only consumed 88 grams of protein. In these three meals I spent almost 40 dollars and I was short almost 100 grams of protein required for my weight. Four slices of pizza, and two double cheeseburgers produced the most protein. Oatmeal, beer, and coffee only counted for less than 10 grams. All six items consumed over the 3 day stretch accounted for carbohydrates. The items ranged from 10g to 100g of carbs. The only item with enough lipids was the McDonald’s oatmeal. The rest of the meals were relatively low. I need to make better planning to include more lipids into my health plan. According to the recommendation of the DRI and compared to my intake of protein, carbs, and lipid I failed to meet 100% percent of the minimum standards. I was less than 50% DRI for most of the nutrients. In fact only one out of the 35 nutrients only surpassed or reached 50%. I personally think that I need to consume more meals with adequate healthy nutrients. I would need to add more vegetables, fruits, and oils to my diet so I can achieve my goals. My calorie DRI was almost 4,000 and I just consumed 18% or almost 700 calories. I almost did good with carbohydrates meeting my DRI, but with protein I was at 17%, and with fat total I was at 33%. I was surprised that the numbers were not even close to my expectations. I understand that during these three days I didn’t meet my required DRI because I changed my diet for this assignment. I tried to limit my food intake and changed from healthy food to fast food, but nonetheless during some days this is what I have consumed during some occasions. It demonstrated that I was not anywhere near be healthy. I will need to increase my protein intake achieve my gym goals. If I was to eat little protein the muscle mass would turn to stored fat and have low energy. If I was to lose weight and I would stop exercising my fat would come back to the same level as before. For example my protein intake should be 62 grams according to my weight, but I didn’t consume any. I am very displeased to say that my fiber intake was at 0% percent. I did not consume any fruit or vegetables. When I was ordering my fast food I could have add vegetables and fruit to my pizza, oatmeal, but I didn’t. During my average day I would eat plenty of fruits such as apples, bananas, and oranges to cover my six meals. I would also eat vegetables in salads or with main meals. My favorite vegetable is spinach which is a great source of fiber. I try to stay away from fibers such as breads and such. According to the iprofile eating bananas and apples also produce great amounts of fibers which cover me in the fiber intake. Insufficient or excessive amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, or fiber contribute a lot my health and illnesses. To induce rapid weight loss the easiest way to do it is to eliminate carbohydrates for many people who are in a diet. Without carbohydrates people will be more moody because it loses serotonin. If I was to drink fruit juice instead of whole fruits I would lose all of the fiber. For example to produce 8oz of apple juice I would need 3-4 apples producing about 15grams of fiber, but all the fiber is taken out when its mixed into juice. Any fruit juice that will replace soda pop or you retain the skin or pulp than is ok too. Consumers just need to be careful when they are shopping for fruit juice. Sometime is better to juice it at home because the sugar level will be lower and you will still maintain all the nutrients. The more I read about nutrition the more I get interested about maintain myself healthy be eating healthy and rigorous training. This iprofile has opened my eyes to understand the nutrients I’m lacking or I am over consuming

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Level diploma for children and young peoples workforce

Levels diploma for children and young peoples workforce BY tarsal 2345 SSH 31 : Promote communication in health social care or childcare and young people's setting. 1. 1 Identify the different reasons people communicate The people communicate with each other and the varied methods of communication; how communication affects individuals and groups. Communication not only affects the professionals but the children and the relationships between the various people linked to the work place setting. People communicate with each other on a regular basis.This is a key skill acquired room birth, a skill dominant in humanity since the beginning of time. It is a vital survival skill acquired learned enhanced and practiced to make perfect. The most basic of which is speech and body language. Communication is a tool with which we exercise our influence on others bring about changes in society, in ourselves, In our attitude and in our environment. Through communication we can motivate the people a round us and can establish and maintain relationships. Communications make up a major part of our daily active life; and are a social requirement to mingle via communication.It Is a social activity to verbally communicate, correspond by reading writing or even body language! Communication Is the giving and receiving of information. Communication Is not specific to methods which speech Is relayed such as writing or reading but It Is refined by caste, culture, and education. When people live in/belong to a certain society or caste or have similar educative backgrounds. This contributes to their mindset and behavior and leads to better understanding of each other and In cases of different mindsets- creates misunderstanding. In this case the attitude and understanding and background of the person with whom weInteract with our communication skills would seem to be Imperfect and Ineffective. Some reasons of communication 0 To persuade 0 To provide and share Information/ knowledge 0 Ask qu estions 0 Express emotions 0 Maintain and promote good relationships that are affective In personal social and professional levels 0 Good flow of Information Ensure people know their roles and responsibilities Make sure rules and regulations are carried out Work together as a team Express wants and needs Negotiate and lease with others Interaction Avoid problems and misunderstandings place.Love understanding sharing and caring for each other all build a better society, unity; the core of which is strong communication. In a work setting communication is very important as it is the strongest factor we have to build and develop a relationship between ourselves, the children, their parents and our co workers. By being an affective communicator it helps to promote and create a positive working environment.In an establishment where we work as a team communication is important to keep up the group spirit, knowledge about what is happening whilst working with children It is vital to also co mmunicate with other professionals as well such as Doctors nurse's parents school teachers, social workers there co workers police men fire men etc So it is important that the rest of the team is communicated the information to as well 1. 2 Explain how communication affects relationships in the work setting.Information needs to be passed on to the relevant people keeping in mind the necessity of information to safeguard the internet of children and also protecting them and us as their Careers. I work on a need to know For example whilst I was out during school run time. My assistant was at home. I got a text from a parent that someone else would be coming one hour early than normal to pick up the child. Due to network issues I couldn't call the assistant.So had to call the parent to tell the person to wait till I got back as I needed to discuss something, also career at home had no idea what was happening, thereafter that day I had a briefing with the parent that I will have to have at least twenty minutes notice before pick up, even if assistant is at home; As I may be out. They will have to wait until I return. Also I had to have a briefing with my assistant that should any of the parents knock on the door and they are unaware they must wait till I return as I may need to talk to the parents/ relay mom information etc.In this way I kept my parents and assistants aware that we need to make sure things are in order. Otherwise things can go out of hand and I need to maintain safeguarding for everyone. I made sure I was clear and precise and to the point and made sure they all understood the importance of the instructions. I felt that as I was the main role leader I should communicate my wants and needs clearly so that the other people working under me will understand the rules and regulations. Also the set out rules and regulations need to be fair and Just- not biased.So the relationship between co-workers will be a happy one and an easy environment where the e nvironment in smooth. With clear understanding colleagues would support each other and this is very vital for a healthy setting. I felt that I kept a professional and friendly approach during my day. At times taking on Jobs where I felt the assistant needed more help made them realize that we are a team not a boss against their employee. In a work environment it is also important to have reviews from parents or co workers that will help improve the setting, so we can reflect on our reactive and take action to enhance it.Another reason why it is important to convey information to one colleague to another is the fact that some children have allergies. Worker did not know about it or didn't know how or why it is triggered, the child could be in danger. This affects the child's safeguarding rights and proper training for this was required and full information needed to be shared to protect both the child and the career from a difficult and hazardous situation. If the co worker was absen t/away they need to know if something new has happened to make sure they are up to date.I held a session with the assistant, the parent and the nurse involved with the child's treatment till date. And was given a full training session on how the practical parts of the allergy is dealt with. Observations are an important way to communicate information even for personal settings. Sometimes I am working alone. Doing paperwork helps to structure learning goals and objectives aiming for higher, knowing the child's potential and aiming to develop any under developed areas.If we communication with children and young people: we need some key skill to make our bobs and skills more competent 0 Being patient= having the ability to control our selves when there is trying situations 0 Listening skills= listen to and understand the child/Rene needs as much as possible 0 Remembering= names, personal preferences special things to them to make them feel like they belong and that this is a place wher e they are part of a small family 0 Body language = making sure our body language and posture is positive so the children can positively develop 0 Maintaining a good eye = when we talk to children make eye contact so they are aware that the conversation is for them and they are the individual it is aimed at 0 Sensitivity = using word carefully selected 0 Showing warmth love caring, understating, sincerity positive values of others etc 0 Safeguarding = making sure that all their physical and mental interests are always priority. Confidentiality = making sure we do not tell others about what is happening in our settings.So children's information is kept safe For example In my experience I found that sometimes information can be misinterpreted, such as one day I had arranged for a parent to come and meet me at the library, for a session where I would read with the children and she would also articulate with the children. As I had mentioned very briefly that I would be taking them to li brary A; but she had thought it was library B and went to a different library. However we resolved the issue as soon as I realized and I rerouted to the second library. Luckily there was a telephone conversation in which I had picked up from her that she was in library b and without putting any blame on either side met up at library b instead. Parent realized the misunderstanding and we made sure that in future we will be clear of exact venue as there are a few libraries nearby.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Jesus and the Kingdom of God , The Proofs for the Existence of God Coursework

Jesus and the Kingdom of God , The Proofs for the Existence of God - Coursework Example From these verses, the king (Jesus) ushers in a new rule when he considers the law in the light of the grace that he was giving his followers. In so doing, he helped his followers uphold the integrity and requirement of the law by living up to a higher law, the law of Grace. This resonates with what Romans chapter 8 verse two says about the freedom that the â€Å"higher† law of the Spirit brings. Matthew chapters six and seven deal with man’s relationship with God and man respectively. In this regard, Jesus declares that the life of his follower is bound in a relationship with both God and man (NIV bible). In the light of the discussion of apocalyptism, it is clear that Jesus was both an â€Å"apocalyptic Jesus† and â€Å"the ethical Jesus.† As an ethical Jesus, he commanded his followers to emulate him and teach others to emulate him. This emulation was in action and practice. In Mathew chapters 5 verse 16, he emphasized on the importance of his followers letting their light shine forth for men to see their good works and through that bring glorify to their Father in heaven. As an apocalyptic Jesus, he insisted on the brevity and vanity of the present life and urged his followers to be more concerned with the things of the world to come. This same Jesus went about doing good and healed the sick as he fed the hungry that warned against sin and its eternal implications in leading to eternal damnation on the judgment day. There are many proofs in the webliography that have been presented pertaining to the existence of God. Their nature and angle of argument are varied all with the attempt to prove God. Perhaps the closest that related to proving the existence of God are those dealing with time, contingency and interaction. The reason my inclination is to these theoretical proofs is that their content agrees largely with the scripture. However, the shortcomings of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Developing Hospitality properties Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Developing Hospitality properties - Essay Example So, the advertising will consist of direct mail, banner ads, and inserts. Also, special efforts will be taken to ensure the appearance of special articles about the restaurant in newspapers and other health magazines. This is so because it has been found that such articles have the potential to attract people easily and convince them. It has been found that restaurants and other businesses which manage to have articles published in newspapers and magazines experience dramatic growth in business. So, personal relationships will be utilised to achieve this aim. Allen Pasta Restaurant aims to offer its customers the best and most delicious pasta meal in the city. Also, this will be offered in the best and most pleasing ambience. Furthermore, special attention will be taken to ensure that the customers are given a better service than they anticipated (Marketing strategy, 2000). Thus, it becomes evident that Allen’s customers are aged from 25-55, who are responsible for 62% of the total consumption in the city of -------. Though age is not a matter of important concern, Allen’s customers will be young working people and families with an income above $ 40,000. Another point is the increasing health-consciousness in the city. So, a considerable proportion of the customers will be the health-conscious eaters of the city who are willing to spend money for healthy eating options. Allen Pasta Restaurant wants to position itself as an average-priced, upscale, pasta restaurant. The customers will be the ones who love quality and tasty pastas, health-conscious, educated individuals, groups, and families, usually within the age of 25-50. Service- In order to ensure that the customers are offered the best service experience in the city, the employees will be given special training. Only quality employees will be deployed. It is calculated that better product along with better service will help the company beat its rivals. The most important

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Human Resource Management at Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Human Resource Management at Work - Essay Example In this approach, there is not much focus on the human resource. The contemporary approach focuses on competencies and the employees’ commitment to the organisation. The principle behind the contemporary approach is that if the employees are happy, the organisation progresses too. Talents and capabilities of the employees are maximized, and are linked to the goals of the organisation. The contemporary approach is based on the principle that the people are the organisation’s greatest asset (Armstrong, 2006, p. 3). HRM provides effective management of the staff, retention, and turnover processes, and selection of employees that fit with both the organisational strategy and culture, and the cost effective utilisation of employees through investment in identified human capital. The first part of this paper focuses on theories and concepts, while the second part is concentrated on a particularly industry, the automotive industry, with Toyota as the particular organization battling the forces of organisational and external environment. The last part is a reflective diary which details this author’s personal experiences in the conduct of the research. The ‘universalist’ paradigm states that the purpose of the study of HRM is to improve the way that human resources are managed strategically within organisations. The aim is to improve organisational performance, as judged by its impact on the organisation’s corporate strategy (Tichy, Fombrun and Devanna, 1982; Huselid 1995, cited in Harris et al., 2003). Good HRM focuses on careful recruitment and selection methods, coupled with an effective training and development. Other contributing factors are a good communication process within the organisation, a well-defined job design, performance appraisal, and the motivation system for employees, which include performance standards, appraisal, etc. (Harris et al., 2003) The contextual paradigm searches

Friday, July 26, 2019

What makes a place a home Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

What makes a place a home - Essay Example A house is simple a dwelling place but a home is said to be a livable place where families and friends can enjoy the company of each other, sharing intrinsic and intangible values such as peace, happiness and especially, love. Looking further into the contradictions, this paper will discuss in detail how the aforementioned characteristics turn a house into a home. A house simply caters to one’s physical needs. Since shelter is one of man’s basic needs, a dwelling place then becomes necessary but having a place to stay does not always mean a person has a home. A house is devoid of values such as peace. For instance, one has a sanctuary to call but it is only a place to cover him from the heat of the sun, the pouring of the rain or the cold winter nights. The place may give him the needed protection from the weather but it may not give him peace of mind because of other dangers such as robbers, murderers and other criminal acts. Therefore, the man may always be in fear. O n the other hand, a place is called a home when it provides a peaceful and comfortable habitation. A home give the dweller peace of mind because it does not only provide shelter through the changing seasons but also give an emotional and psychological assurance that the person will be far from any danger. In addition, this can also be extended to the condition of the dwellers themselves. For instance, in a house, the people living in it may always be fighting even over trivial matters. Therefore, the place only serves as a place for the family to find shelter. Nevertheless, a home will not only do that but will also give a welcoming atmosphere to all the people living in it. This becomes true when the people there are at peace with each other, making each other feel comfortable in order for them to make others stay and not want to move away. Secondly, a home is a dwelling place filled with happiness. There are so many things that bring people happiness such as food, valuables and a good company. A house filled with such things make up a home. One cannot say an abode is a home when it merely serves to provide shelter, being lacking in other important things. A place where there is no available food brings bad experiences such as pictures of a hunger so that one would not dare go to when he is in need of food. Lack of food is one of the reasons of many fights among family members. A mother trying to earn money to buy food for her two children can easily get mad at her husband who is wasting all his money on alcohol and drugs and does not even try to find a job. In such case, there is no peace and therefore, there will be no happiness. A place where entertainment and other valuable materials are not available as well cannot be fully called a home because material possessions bring happiness to people especially in these modern times. In relation to the discussion on peace, happiness will also be absent when peace is deprived in the house. In other words, when one is at peace with himself and his dwelling place, his residence can be called a home. Moreover, when he is at peace with the other people in the house, happiness is shared among them and therefore the place is called a home. Lastly, a lodging is called a home when there is love. Peace and happiness may be experienced by a lone dweller but love is only experienced between two or more people. From such definition, it could be said that a house cannot be fully called a home when there is no love that is shared in it. Therefore, a person who lives alone in a beautiful and comfortable house where all his needs are provided for does not live in a home but a house. The loneliness felt in such a place explains why one person would not want to abide in the residence forever. Some

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Popular Culture As A Functional Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Popular Culture As A Functional Industry - Essay Example An evolution in pop culture facilitates many innovations in the contemporary world. For instance, people adopt new approaches of doing things through such phenomena as tourism, social systems, and technology (Miller, 2011). It is apparent that individuals adopt modes of dressing from day-trippers who visit their homelands. In addition, FaceBook, (most trendy social network) enables people to learn such things as new phrases, considered current at that time. Individuals from athwart the globe engage in forums created to address their interests through FaceBook (Miller, 2011). People constantly ape what celebrities upload on their twitter handles in order to appear civilized. In addition, there are diverse creations of deep friendships through the popular networks. These friendships facilitate sharing of knowledge, which further influences how these associates behave in society. Variably, popular culture further affects the manner in which individuals choose their daily diets. Evidentl y, there is dishonesty in such networks because of the diverse needs people have. In particular, these people sensor their accounts in order for them to depict a certain image to their associates. According to Miller (2011), these illusion makes recruiting agencies to hire wrong people who present wrong identification. According to Bainer (2001), popular culture facilitates the promotion of nationalism particularly when there is a goal to reach certain national expectations.  ... Popular culture activities for example sports additionally facilitate unity in various nations. Moreover, the sport of hockey is associated with Canada because of the number of times Canada excels in the sport and many Canadian nationals who excel in the sport. There is identification of nations through famous popular civilization activities for example tourism, television productions and food. According to Boellstorff (2008), the contemporary globe is virtual and experiences a diffusion of sorts in which there is a merge between culture and politics. For instance, congressional representatives have moved from the conviction that their jobs are serious and cannot mix with other social issues. This merge is evident in the willingness, which these representatives display in embracing recent innovations. In the past, there was no utilization of advanced popular culture in political endeavors. Currently, there is the inclusion of famous politicians on most entertainment programs on natio nal TV. It is normal for these politicians to be guests on the entertainment sports and socialize while seeking for votes. It is evident that the entertainment media amalgamates political concepts so that people who are least interested in politics understand it. There is a presentation of these political concepts in manners, which plead to divergent voters but most importantly young voters. Moreover, this young electorate has special interests in entertainment more than they value constitutional affairs because they are hardly seen participating in such issues. When there is a fusion of entertainment and politics, thus they experience many

The Strategies Applied In the Operations, Information and Marketing Research Paper

The Strategies Applied In the Operations, Information and Marketing Management at Toyota Motor Corporations - Research Paper Example The paper tells that Toyota motors are one of the most successful companies dealing with the making and assembling of motor vehicles. Its success can highly be attributed to the mechanisms that the owners put in place from time to time with an aim of not only beating competition but also remaining atop. Operations management at Toyota is done in a way that leaves the competitors with little to counter. In a company, this department is tasked with the oversight of the processes applied in the production and distribution of goods or services. Usually, there are various approaches one could apply including lean, six sigma and kaizen. According to Ewan and Ron, the approach applied at Toyota is normally Lean whereby the focus is on the customer. For instance, in 2008 it was reported that Toyota had initiated a process of making cars that did not emit much carbon. This was as a result of studying that the society was not focused on having low carbon-environment, especially in Europe. Addi tionally, the research showed that there was an increased demand for cars in the Asian countries more so in Russia. Consequently, Ruffa reported that Toyota started processes, which fit every need for the markets. Therefore, from these studies, it is clear that Toyota’s approach in operations is lean and is solely focused on the clients’ needs. As a result of using this technique, it is not surprising to find many customers from all over the world preferring Toyota-made vehicles. In fact, Knoespel stated that this approach by Toyota has been the main key to its success and the ever-increasing dominance in the market. In terms of the assisting the enterprise strategy, lean management has seen the company’s major goals be achieved within the specified period. By first understanding the client’s need, it then becomes pretty easy to establish the markets and supply. As state earlier, the company noticed that the countries of China and Russia had an increased demand and immediately embarked on a mission to meet it.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

School segregation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

School segregation - Essay Example By the 1970's attention focused on trying to desegregate elementary and high schools. Here a problem arose, for if schools were blind to race, then the racial mixture of the student body should parallel the racial percentages of the community. Consequently, as school districts might not necessarily be segregated, they could easily be a larger percentage of a certain ethnicity, schools were hardly heterogeneous. If nothing else, wealthier communities frequently had, if not necessarily better education, then certainly more access to updated teaching supplies. To overcome this inequality, federal and local governments promoted "court-ordered busing", known as "forced busing" by detractors. This essentially distributed students sometimes miles away from their home, and frequently by several much closer schools, in order to create a balanced integration over the widest number of school districts. This program met with varying levels of success, yet remained effective through the '70's up until the late '90's. The desegregation is said to have peaked with the federal overturning of mandatory busing in 1991, directly due to a large migration of Caucasians to suburbs, the creation of magnet and charter schools, and larger enrollment in private schools. While magnet and charter schools can draw students to otherwise minority oriented neighborhoods, their degree of integration ultimately boils down to the selection process. The Harvard Civil Rights Project claims that the largest focus of segregated schools is now in the Midwest, with schools in the Northeast following behind them. Re-segregation has been addressed most recently because of proposed laws in Omaha, Nebraska, which would divide the school districts into three segregations: black, white, and latino. Ernie Chambers, Nebraska's only African American State Senator, claims that the proposed law, which would go into effect in 2008, would "let minority-led school boards run the schools that educate minority children since white-run schools have failed to improve black and Latino graduation rates and reduce dropouts nationwide" The law would simultaneously erase the integration busing has established, which has returned to racially predominant segregations since the end of busing, according to Jonathan Kozol author of Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America. His statistics indicate that by the academic year 2000-200 1,in 87 percent of public school enrollment in Chicago was black or Hispanic while less than 10 percent of children in the schools were white. Other cities revealed similar trends: Philadelphia and Cleveland were 78 % black or Hispanic, 84% in Los Angeles, 88% in Baltimore, and nearly 75% in New York City, respectively. John Jackson, education director for the NAACP, interprets the busing reversal this way: "The implications are the same as in the '50s: Minority students in high poverty areas are not getting a quality education." Why should the public be concerned by school integration Firstly, because segregated schools perpetuate inequalities in learning abilities and widen the gaps in academic success for children of different race. The UCLA School of Public Policy and Social Research finds that "Test scores, college attendance rates, and employment outcomes have been found to improve for students from integrated schools

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Strategic Marketing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Strategic Marketing - Research Paper Example Before getting into the issue of knowing whether marketing is a constraint on innovation, we should first get to know and evaluate the basic purpose of strategic marketing. So starting with strategic marketing, it is that sort of marketing which the organizations and companies use in order to create such plans for the company which should not only be able to satisfy the customers’ needs and demands but also increase the productivity and profitability of the company. Now here it should be noted that productivity depends on the satisfaction and retention of customers of the company. When the customers will be satisfied from the products of the company, they will work as a source to attract more customers for the company and as a result, the productivity and the profitability of the company will increase. As we know that when we get a customer, we get one customer, but when we loose that customer, we loose a hundred customers. So, such a marketing plan should be implemented which should not only retain old customers but also should be able to attract more customers. All these methods have a significant importance in marketing of a company’s strategic plans. And they have really proved to be successful for various organizations for the purposes of customer retention and increased productivity and profitability. Tybout and Calkins (2005) found that every organization should typically create and develop a well written strategic marketing plan which should be able to promote the innovative products of any organization. Not only that, it should also be able to relate the implementation strategies regarding those plans. Scott (2007) found that innovation helps an organization in achieving dominance in a competitive market and suitable marketing strategy is always a key towards a successful innovation. Shilbury, et al., (2003) found

Monday, July 22, 2019

Balance sheet Essay Example for Free

Balance sheet Essay According to the depreciation rates used by the company and described in the Production Cost Report, if a company adds 50 new workstations at a cost of $250,000 each and also spends $5 million for an addition to its assembly plant to accommodate the new workstations. According to the cost allocation methods used in the company’s accounting system and described in the Help section for the Operations Report for any of the four geographic regions, if a company spends $5 million to advertise its camera lines in North America, assembles and ships 300,000 entry-level cameras and 200,000 multi-featured cameras to its North American dealers, derives revenues of $80 million from its sales of entry-level cameras and $120 million from the sales of its multi-featured cameras in North America, then 50% of the $5 million in advertising expenditures will be allocated to the costs of advertising for entry-level cameras and 50% will be allocated to the costs of multi-featured cameras. 70% of the $5 million in advertising expenditures will be allocated to the costs of advertising for entry-level cameras and 30% will be allocated to the costs of multi-featured cameras. the per camera advertising costs for both entry-level and multi-featured cameras will be $10.00. 40% of the $5 million in advertising expenditures will be allocated to the costs of advertising for entry-level cameras and 60% will be allocated to the costs of multi-featured cameras. the per camera advertising costs for entry-level cameras will be 50% larger than the per camera advertising costs for multi-featured cameras.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The India-Pakistan conflict: An overview

The India-Pakistan conflict: An overview INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND India Pakistan conflict is one of long lasting and unresolved conflict of modern times. It started with the birth of Pakistan as a different state in 1947 after the Britain empire come to an end in India. On religious grounds, one country (i. e. India) was divided into two. In 1947, when British India got its independence, it was primarily divided into two countries: India and Pakistan. All areas with the majority of Muslim population were supposed to be the part of Pakistan. The dividing line between these two countries was bizarre. As major part of North West India after partition, was called West Pakistan and there were some territories in eastern part of India with majority of Muslim population, those areas were called East Pakistan (Bangladesh). Since the partition, these two south Asian countries have been the arch rivals. The rivalry has gone through several wars, terrorist activities and nuclear tests by these countries. (Ref: T.V. Paul, page 3). Both of these countries spend a great chunk of their funds in defense budgets. The race of becoming the superpower of South Asia has adversely affected the economic growth of both these countries. The origin of the India-Pakistan conflict is deep-rooted in the issues such as religion and the politics of revenge. Problem of Kashmir is the most important issue for the tension between India and Pakistan. (Ref: The some of the other issues between these two nations are problem of sharing waters, religion. KEY ISSUES/REASONS: Kashmir The Kashmir is the biggest cause of conflict between India Pakistan. After partition India and Pakistan were two nations. However, there were some princely states, and they were left to make their own decision to join Pakistan or India or remain independent. The ruler of Kashmir (also known as Jammu and Kashmir) decided to remain independent. However, the attack by Pakistan tribal forces in late 1947 forced the ruler of Kashmir to sign the agreement to accede Kashmir to India. The nature of that accession has long been the subject of debate. After a short war, a ceasefire agreement was signed by both the nations under the support of United Nations. According to the agreement a ceasefire line (later called as Line of Control) was established defining that, the two-thirds of the Kashmir will stay under Indias control and rest will stay under the control of Pakistan. The territory under Pakistans control is called Azad i.e. Free Kashmir by Pakistanis and Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK) by India. Since then, the issue of Jammu and Kashmir has been the root of dispute between these two nations. Pakistan claims it to be its territory, since the majority of population is Muslims. For the Pakistan, the partition of the Indian-subcontinent will remain incomplete until the Kashmir is unified with their state. On the other hand, Indians believe that the Kashmir is a legal part of their territory. According to them, the partition was completed in 1947. (Ref: T.V. Paul, pages 8-9). Security India has also been accusing Pakistan for not taking serious actions against Pakistan-based militant groups and training camps. Government of India says these militant groups pose a big threat for its national security. Indian government demands that Pakistan needs to take serious actions against the Pakistan-based militant groups and training camps. Indians also suspect that the Pakistani security agents support these groups. India is much worried about its national security issue because of the militant attacks in various India cities. (Ref: India accuses Pakistan security agencies for supporting the militant attack in recent years such as attack on Indian Parliament House in year 2001 and Mumbai attacks in 2008. Water Another issue which is causing the problems with these two countries is the use of water. Many rivers rise from India and flow down to the Pakistan. Pakistan claims that India is not playing fair in terms of user of waters according to a treaty under which India can use the waters of three eastern rivers and Pakistan can use water of three western rivers. Pakistan says India is diverting these waters by building dams. Pakistan is very much dependant on these waters for the farming and other needs of its population. India, on the other hand, denies all these accusations by Pakistan. (Ref: Religious Ideologies   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Both the countries have their religious ideologies. The foundation of Pakistan was laid down on the basis of religion. Muslim in British India felt that after the independence if a Hindu government takes the command of the nation, the Muslim community will be isolated from the political grounds. Therefore, they demanded their separate nation as Pakistan, a state of Muslim entity. Since partition, both the countries have become more reliant on their religious ideologies. Rise of Hinduism in India have made anti-Pakistan ideologies more strong. On the other hand, Pakistan has used their Islamic identity to defend their own political position, which has strengthened the rivalry. (Ref: T. V. Paul, page 22-24) KEY EVENTS The 1947-48 war The wounds of partition were not healed yet, when both the countries went to war in October 1947.Pakistani tribal troops attacked the Kashmir. The Kashmirs ruler asked India for help and he agreed for accession of the state to India. Thats how the first war between India and Pakistan started. This war ended in January 1949 with the involvement of United Nation and a ceasefire line was established between two countries. (Ref: The 1965-war   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the spring of 1965 two countries went to war again. A clash between border patrol forces on the south western border of Pakistan with India resulted in a major war. Pakistani forced entered the Indian-administered. Indian forces hit back by crossing the international border. Again with UN supported both countries agreed to cease fire. In year 1966, India and Pakistan signed an agreement in Tashkent (in former U.S.S.R.) to resolve their issues in peaceful manner. (Ref: The 1971 war   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1971, two countries went on war with each other once again. However, the battle field this time was the border of India and East Pakistan (modern Bangladesh). In year 1971, Pakistan faced a civil war between West Pakistan army and East Pakistan. The civil war resulted in many people escaped to India from East Pakistan. After that, Indian army invaded the East Pakistan to help those people. Consequently, Pakistan army surrendered to Indian army and war came to end with the birth of another country, called Bangladesh. (Ref: Kashmir Rebellion In 1989, the beautiful valley of Kashmir came under siege by armed resistance to India rule. Some extremist groups started rebellion movement against Indian Government, calling it war of Kashmirs independence and some groups called the movement for union of Kashmir with Pakistan. Indian government accused Pakistan of supplying arms to these revolting groups. During this period, many Islamic groups came into emerged in the region for the fight against India. (Ref: Nuclear Tests In 1998, India conducted nuclear tests near the border of Pakistan and later on Pakistan too conducted some nuclear tests. These tests were criticized by United States and many European countries. After these tests, it was now clear that both the countries will think twice before attacking each other. In fact, the relations between India and Pakistan started to improve after the nuclear tests. (Ref: Kargil war Just when it seemed like the rift between India and Pakistan has started to heal, the conflict erupted again after Pakistan army break into Indian Kashmir in year 1999. India responded with air strikes against Pakistan forces. Both the nations suffered from great economics loss; many people were force to leave their homes on both sides of the Line of Control (LOC). Under the pressure of United Nations, the contemporary prime minister of Pakistan withdrew his forces from the region. (Ref: Mumbai Attacks   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The financial capital of India, Mumbai has always been the target of terrorist activities. The city has experienced many terror attacks since March 1993, when Muslim underworld joined to Pakistani militant group carried out a series of bombings on Mumbais stock exchange, trains, hotels and gas stations. In 2006, terrorists shocked the Mumbai with series of seven bombings on Mumbai railways within 11 minutes. According to officials the attack was carried out by POK based militant group Lashkar-e-taiba. In November 2008, terrorist attacks once again shocked the Mumbai. Pakistan based terrorist groups coordinated the shooting and bombing attacks in 10 different areas of the city. Again, the operation was carried out by Lashkar-e-taiba. (Ref: timesofindia)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Apart from the above, various other regions of India are also been the targets of Islamic terrorism activities. There were some plane hijacks by these militant groups. They even attacked Indian Parliament house in New Delhi. KEY GROUPS   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is very hard to point out the groups that are involved in this conflict. In fact, it is conflict between nations, governments, and religions. The security agencies of both the countries are also involved. Indians have always accused Pakistans top national security agency ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence) for supporting militant activities in India and on the other hand, Pakistan says that the Indian intelligence agency RAW (Research and Analysis Wing) was involved in the conspiracy of separating Bangladesh from Pakistan.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During the decades of 1980s and 1990s the rivalry between India Pakistan was so intense that even their sports could not remain unaffected from the tension. For example, during this period the matches between Indian and Pakistani Cricket or Hockey teams used to be regarded as the battles between two countries. As far as, Kashmirs issue is concerned, there are some terrorist groups that have direct involvement in the conflict. A few of these Islamic extremist groups are as Harakat-ul-Mujahideen (HUM), Jaish-e-Mohammed (JEM), Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT). All these groups belong to POK (Pakistan Occupied Kashmir) and were formed to seek to claim the region of Kashmir to Pakistan. Some officials claim that these extremist groups also have connections with Al-Qaeda. These groups are responsible for most of the terrorist activities in India. FUTURE   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In recent years, there have been a lot of efforts being made by both the sides to improve their relationship. There have been several peace talks between in India and Pakistan. However, militant attacks continue to obstruct the progress to maintain the peace. In 2001, Pakistan military ruler President visited India for a landmark summit. The summit held in Agra, the city of Taj Mahal, between Pakistan president and Indian prime minister. People on the both sides of the border were very optimistic about the meeting and hoped for peaceful resolution of some of the issues between the two countries. However, the summit ended without any agreement over the Kashmir conflict (Ref: In year 2005, both the countries agreed to start a bus service across the LoC (Line of Control). Militants have tried to attack those buses. It has been proved that whenever some hope arises for maintaining the peace, extremist groups have tried to come up with som ething which deteriorates the relationship. After Mumbai attacks in 2008, India has put the hold on peace talks. Although there has been efforts being made by the governments on both sides, but the conflict doesnt seem to end, as long as, the issue of Kashmir is there. The issue of Kashmir can only be resolved by involving the people of Kashmir. The chances of which are not very bright, as the separatist leaders are not ready for anything less than the accession of Kashmir to Pakistan from India. Indian government claims that they own the Kashmir legally and they cannot afford one more partition. The majority of the population of Jammu and Kashmir is of Muslim. Many of them want Kashmir to be the part of Pakistan, and many wants to stick with India. Although the relations between India and Pakistan have improved a lot, but the hopes of peace between the two countries are not very strong. REFERENCES/BIBILOGRAPHY The India-Pakistan conflict: an enduring rivalry by T.V. Paul ttp://

Economic Policy In Sweden During The Great Depression Economics Essay

Economic Policy In Sweden During The Great Depression Economics Essay When the Great Depression swept across Europe in the early 1930s the impact of the economic downturn varied across countries. While for example Germany, Austria and most of Central Europe experienced a long and deep economic crisis, the economies of the Nordic countries Sweden, Denmark and Norway were not only affected later and more mildly by the Depression, but also recovered earlier. The crisis in Sweden for example only lasted a little more than two years (in Germany and Poland it lasted for more than 4 years, see graph 1) and peak decline in industrial production was at 10.3% while for example Germany or Poland had declines in industrial production of more than 40% (see graph 2). Even when looking at comparable GDP figures, Sweden was with a decline of 6.5% well below countries such as Germany (25%) or Austria (23.4%, see graph 3). Moreover and of greater interest for this paper is the fact that Sweden did not only perform better during the Great Depression but also pursued a different economic policy. Most prominently cited amongst economic historians are two distinctly Swedish policy measures: First, looking at Swedens monetary policy, scholars point out, that the country left the gold standard very early and unique at that time simultaneously put the preservation of the domestic purchasing power of the krona on top of the political agenda. Second, it is often mentioned, that the Social-Democratic government, which came into power in 1932, invested heavily in public work programmes following a Keynesian-type fiscal policy. The present paper seeks to analyse whether these two factors are a) sufficient and b) withstand a closer empirical evaluation when it comes to explain the better development of Sweden during the Great Depression. In order to do so, the paper will, as a first step, outline the economic situation in Sweden and the corresponding economic policy prior to the crisis. This is necessary, as it provides an overview of the nature of Swedens economy, its degree of integration into the international market and accordingly its general contagion risk at the time of the crisis. Secondly, the above mentioned policy measures during the Great Depression will be outlined. Thirdly and most central in this paper is an analyses of the effectiveness and consequences of these policy measures. The last chapter will then draw the attention to other factors outside the control of government policy that might have helped Sweden to ease the effects of the Great Depression. Literature Immune to crisis? Swedens economic development prior to the Great Depression Even though Swedens macro-economic policy is often seen as the major contributor to the countries positive development during the Great Depression, one must not fail to see, that some of the reasons for this development are rather to be found in specific characteristics of Swedens economy prior to 1929/31 than in any explicit policy measure thereafter. Two pre-existing conditions can be outlined, that seemed to have stabilized the economy during the crisis. Firstly, a constantly undervalued krona made Swedish exports cheap on the international market. Secondly, the banking sector in Sweden was centralized and crisis-prone. Thus, a banking panic never occurred. The following paragraphs explain these specifically Swedish conditions in greater detail. Traditionally, Swedens economy was based on the countrys rich endowments of iron and timber. Its main trading partner was Britain and later on Germany and the United States. During the beginning of the 20th century Sweden also became a major exporter of technologically sophisticated goods such as telephones (e.g. Ericsson) or appliances (e.g. Electrolux). As Sweden was at least on paper a neutral power during World War I (WWI) many investors sought to acquire Swedish assets at that time, as the country seemed to be a safe haven for capital. Additionally, by mainly exporting raw materials, Sweden could take advantage of the increase in foreign demand for those goods caused by WWI. By the end of the war Sweden had transformed from a major international borrower to a creditor to the rest of the world. While the export industry could profit from these developments, inflation increased mainly due to increasing costs for imports. Between 1915 and 1918 the cost of living rose by as much a s 90%. This inflation was eventually condemned between 1920 and 1924 when prices declined by 55% due to a restrictive monetary policy. After 1924 a slower, but persistent deflation continued until 1931. With such low domestic prices, Sweden was highly competitive on the international market. That is why during most of the 1920s Sweden experienced a strong export-led economic growth. This is why after WWI Sweden reinstated the gold standard as one of the first industrialized countries in 1924. Many economic historians believe that this return to the gold standard occurred at a rate that left the krona undervalued well into the 1930s. As a consequence Swedish exports remained highly competitive even in times of economic crisis. The domestic market also stabilized during the 1920s. Due to export bans and high import taxes during and after WWI, Swedish consumers, whose purchasing power constantly increased during the 1920s, substituted imports with domestic products. Additionally, demographics played a role. During the 1920s and 1930s there was a rapid rise in the number of young people of working age (especially those aged 20-29). Respectively, demand for housing, food, clothes and other consumer products increased which contributed to a strong growth of domestic production as well. When the stock market crash of October 29, 1929, triggered the Great Depression, another factor for Swedens low proneness to crises became obvious. Swedens banking structure was very concentrated. This was much in contrast to for example the United States, where the banking structure was highly fragmented and decentralized. According to Ben Bernanke, such a structure is much more likely to cause banking panics. Sweden however was characterized by a branch banking system, where risks were dispersed. It is argued that especially in the case of Sweden, earlier experiences with failing banks in the 1920s had led to reforms that had put the banking system on a sound footing. That is why at the beginning of the 1930s the banking sector in Sweden did not experience widespread panics. Putting all these facts together, it can be argued, that Sweden was from the very beginning less likely to be effected by the Great Depression than those countries whose banking sector collapsed. This especially holds true when considering the fact that trust in the economy never vanished in Sweden due to a generally stable banking structure. Additionally, even though exports declined from 1931 until 1932, Swedens export industry always remained highly competitive. This was not least due to an undervalued krona, whose parity remained stable well into the 1930s. Nevertheless, analyzing the characteristics of Swedens economy prior to the Great Depression only answers part of the question to why Sweden performed considerably better during the crisis than other nations. Especially when Sweden left the gold standard in 1931, specific policy measures as described in chapter two played an equally significant role. What was so special? Swedens response to the Great Depression Prior to the Great Depression, the political mainstream of the Western industrialized world followed a laissez-faire ideology that propagated the free play of the market. It was believed that capitalism had a self-equilibrating tendency, leading to an optimal level of resource utilization. Hence, economic policy at that time simply meant that governments should balance their budget, maintain the gold standard and let businesses reequilibrate themselves. However, while many countries had to reconsider their economic policies during the Great Depression, Sweden had already made this step beforehand. During the late 1920s, Swedens economic policy was already based on the advice of trained economists who did not solely propagate the contemporary neo-classical view on economics but rather pursued their own theories on how the state should react during an economic crisis. This so called Stockholm School was a loose group of economists whose most important figures were Knut Wicksell, Eli He ckscher, Gustav Bagge, Bertil Ohlin and David Davidson. Especially Knut Wicksells findings at the beginning of the 20th century inspired most of the works of his followers. Wicksell is best known for Interest and Prices, his contribution to the fledgling field now called macroeconomics. In this book and in his 1906 Lectures in Political Economy, volume 2, Wicksell sketched out his version of the quantity theory of money (monetarism). The standard view of the quantity theory before Wicksell was that increases in the money supply have a direct effect on prices-more money chasing the same amount of goods. Wicksell focused on the indirect effect. In elaborating this effect, Wicksell distinguished between the real rate of return on new capital (Wicksell called this the natural rate of interest) and the actual market rate of interest. He argued that if the banks reduced the rate of interest below the real rate of return on capital, the amount of loan capital demanded would increase and the amount of saving supplied would fall. Investment, which equaled saving before the interest rate fell, would exceed saving at the lower rate. The increase in investment woul d increase overall spending, thus driving up prices. This cumulative process of inflation would stop only when the banks reserves had fallen to their legal or desired limit, whichever was higher. In laying out this theory, Wicksell began the conversion of the old quantity theory into a full-blown theory of prices. The Stockholm school, of which Wicksell was the father figure, ran with this insight and developed its own version of macroeconomics. In some ways this version resembled later Keynesian economics. Wicksell also argued passionately for making price stability the supreme goal of monetary policy. A stable price level, he maintained, made planning easier for participants in both financial and labour markets. In an 1898 analysis, Wicksells key recommendation for central banks was to increase interest rates whenever prices were rising and to lower them when prices were falling-a monetary policy that he considered to be straightforward. He argued that low interest rates would tend to increase prices. A low rate of interest would lead a borrower to buy some commodity which otherwise he would not have bought at all and would lead someone who wishes temporarily to keep some or all of his goods off the market . . . [to ask ] . . . the Bank for money with which to meet his immediate or pending liabilities without having to sell his goods. Thus, demand would rise and supply would fall, thereby ensuring an increase in prices.18 This meant that the stabilization of prices required only that interest rates be increased when prices were rising and reduced when prices were falling. Wicksell stressed that movements in the price level exerted a particularly large effect on borrowers because an increase in all prices made it easier to repay debts while a reduction made it harder. He also noted that real wages could be affected if nominal wages (in kronor) did not keep up with changes in prices. Even though Wicksell died in 1926 his followers such as Eli Heckscher, Bertil Ohlin, Gustav Cassel and Gunnar Myrdal, could build upon his theoretical work and formulate concrete policy advice in 1931, when the Great Depression finally reached Sweden. The following paragraphs reveal how their influence and advice on the Swedish central bank (Riksbank) and on the political elite helped Sweden through the crisis. Monetary policy During the early months of 1931, Sweden was the recipient of capital inflows. However, the German standstill led many international investors to withdraw their funds from Sweden both because they lacked access to their German funds and because they feared that the crisis would spread. These withdrawals contributed to a drastic reduction in Swedish reserves. By September of 1931, reserves had fallen to less than one-tenth of their January level. Similar pressure was placed on the British financial system, and on September 21, Britain abandoned the gold standard. On September 27 Sweden, too, abandoned the gold standard. The Riksbank and the minister of finance immediately announced that the new monetary goal for the country would be to preserve the domestic purchasing power of the krona using all available means. The next day, September 28, the Riksdag gave its official assent by relieving the Riksbank of its responsibility to convert notes into gold at a fixed rate. People who wished to exchange kronor for foreign exchange could still do so at commercial banks, whose representatives met daily (along with a Riksbank official) to set exchange rates. In making price stability the primary objective of its monetary policy, Sweden pursued an internationally unique agenda. Based on Knut Wicksells argument that stable price levels made planning easier for participants in both financial and labor market, the Riksbank new role was to maintain price levels within a certain range. In order to do so, the first step the Riksbank undertook was to develop a new, weekly index of consumer prices. This was necessary as the goal was to give the public certain definite stand points for estimating future developments in prices. Consequently, the new index was designed to include a wide range of goods and services that reflected purchases made by average families in Sweden. This ensured that the purchasing power of the Krona could be measured for most individuals correctly. The weekly inflation was then computed by weighing the percent change in each good and service consumed by the fraction of total consumer expenditure that households allocated to this item. Instruments used by the Riksbank in order to fulfill the price stability target were changes in the discount rate and operations in the foreign exchange market. Accordingly, the Riksbank changed the discount rate from 8% to 6% in 1931 as there were no longer signs for a continuing inflation. After that, the discoun t rate was lowered to 2.5% in 0.5% steps until 1937. In retro perspective the monetary policy of the Riksbank proved to be very effective. Statistics show a considerably stable level of consumer prices between 1931 and 1938 (see graph 7). Most importantly however is the fact, that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the monetary program of 1931 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ maintained public trust and confidence in the banking sector. One can therefore conclude, that not only did the centralized branch system of the banking structure prevented Sweden from the experience of a fully scaled banking panic, but also a sound monetary policy based on the theoretical findings of the Stockholm School. Nevertheless, the price stabilizing policy of the Riksbank did not remain unchallenged. For example, Bertil Ohlin, who wrote an article entitled The inadequacy of price stabilization. There he acknowledged that the economic situation would most undoubtedly have been still worse if prices had been allowed to fall as they did in countries that kept to the old gold parity, and that the knowledge that the Riksbank would endeavor by every means in its power to prevent any appreciable fall in prices has exercised a reassuring influence on trade. However, Ohlin went on to argue that stabilization of prices could not prevent reductions in investment and hence in GDP. The next chapter explains how this argument was also put forward by the Social Democrats in 1932. Public deficit spending In the 1932 elections, the Social Democrats obtained the highest number of votes and formed a government. The new minister of finance, Ernst Wigforss, held that a monetary policy focused on price stability was insufficient to obtain an acceptable outcome for Sweden. The new finance minister had long championed the idea of intentional deficit spending in recessions. Wigforss had been a professor of linguistics at Lund before he became one of the leading intellectuals of the Social Democratic Party, and he worked closely with a number of Swedish economists, including Gunnar Myrdal, Erik Lindahl, and Bertil Ohlin. The group developed theories justifying the use of fiscal policy as a stabilization tool that were quite similar to those developed by John Maynard Keynes. In a 1928 article, for example, Wigforss wrote: If I want work for 100 people I do not need to put all 100 to work. . . . [I]f I can get an unemployed tailor work, he will get the opportunity to buy himself new shoes and in this way an unemployed shoemaker will get work. . . . This crisis is characterized above all by a relationship which is called a vicious circle. . . . One can say the crisis drives itself once it begins, and it [will] be the same once recovery begins. Wigforsss advocacy of deficit spending in response to the Depression was a radical departure from the policies of previous governments. Prior to 1933, government borrowing was primarily limited to loans for productive purposes, that is, for investments that would generate future government revenue, such as the postal service, telephones, electrical power generation, and railroads. Income derived from these activities would then cover the interest payments on the public debt while also generating additional income for the state.36 In contrast, nonproductive government expenditure was supposed to be paid for with current government revenues. Since it was impossible to predict current revenues or nonproductive expenditures accurately, Sw eden had reserve funds that accumulated any unanticipated surpluses. These funds were then available to cover unanticipated deficits. In the fiscal years 1931-1932 and 1932-1933, for example, the budget was balanced by reducing the reserves of the Alcoholic Drink Account. Thus, while budget deficits in the modern sense occurred, they were not acknowledged, and they were not the result of any policy aimed specifically at creating or allowing a deficit. One of the more controversial issues amongst economic historians is the questions whether public deficit spending and public work programs really helped Sweden out of the economic slump or whether they were merely a side note during the Great Depression. The reason for that is that the coming to power of the Social Democrats in 1932 are widely perceived as a turning point in Swedens economic policy and sometimes even as the global birth of modern macro-economic policy. However, empirical evidence proving that a special Social Democratic economic policy caused Swedens quick recovery is scarce. As a matter of fact, the debate about the future fiscal policy of Sweden under Social Democratic rule already circled around issues much similar to those that John Maynard Keynes dealt with four years later in his magnum opus the General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. Swedens financial minister Ernst Wigforss argued that price stabilization would not be enough to fight the depression. He rather proposed a public work program designed to put unemployed back to work even if this meant budget deficits. Much like the policy advocating stable prices, this one was again based on advice put forward by contemporary economists. This was a radical departure from the policies of previous governments. A balanced budget had always been the highest maxim. Usually, government loans were only used for investments that were expected to generate future profits such as postal services, railroads or electric power supply. All other nonproductive expenditures were paid for by reserves the government had built up. Unsurprisingly, this radical change in policy went not without fierce debate and controversy in parliament. The first unbalanced budget proposed by Wigforss for the years 1933 and 1934 was criticized for causing inflation and depriving businesses of capital necessary for their development. To counter these arguments, the Social Democrats moved away from financing public wor k programs through deficits and proposed an inheritance tax used to finance their plans. Additionally, the Agrarian Party did not agree to the budget as they feared a negligence of the population working in the agrarian sector. As a consequence, the Social Democrats had to include high subsidy payments for the agricultural sector in the budget. When it finally passed the parliament in 1933 much of the planned deficit spending policy had disappeared. Moreover, most of the funds still allocated to public work programs could not be put to use as a nationwide lockout of employees in the construction sector blockaded the building industry. This lockout took place because the employer association SAF wanted to enforce lower wages for the industry. This conflict was solved in 1934 and only then could the government finally make use of the allocated funds for public works. Did they find the Holy Grail? The effects of Swedens economic policy Renowned economist and chairman of the Fed, Ben Bernanke, wrote in his essay collection on the Great Depression that Understanding the Great Depression is the holy grail of macro-economics. He thereby referred to the very difficult but ultimately rewarding task of finding a definite answer to the question of the real causes of the Great Depression. This, he argues, could help to identify future crisis better and address them more effectively. When looking at the fact that Sweden had overcome the Depression rather well by applying certain types of policies, the question arises whether the Holy Grail might have already been found long before Bernanke published his book. This chapter will therefore look more closely at the real effect that the Swedish economic policy had from 1929 to 1937. The range and depth of the several above mentioned policy measures varied significantly. It is therefore convenient to divide the chapter into the several policy fields that were addressed between 1929 and 1937. The evaluation is mainly done by using statistics of key figures that are in direct relation to the executed policy. By drawing on secondary literature it is then elaborated whether the figures in the statistics did or did not change due to a specific policy or due to other factors. When looking at the debate on the cause of Swedens recovery the author argues that according to one view the increasing demand and thus increasing exports led to a recovery. Hence, monetary policy was the most powerful contributory factor. The public works policy could not have had any significant effect, since the works were not started on any substantial scale until recovery was well under way. On the other hand, the expansion of the export market at first did not have an extensive impact on the labor market as at first large pile of build up stock were used for exports. No increase in production or employment took place. The author concludes that it was a mixture of growing demand abroad, monetary policy, deficit spending and support of the agriculture that led to Swedens recovery. Even if it is clear that the public works did not lead to recovery it is unclear whether exports alone did the trick. Just lucky? External factors fostering Swedens recovery Leaving the gold standard After Great Britain left the gold standard on September 21st 1931, Sweden followed six days later as one of the first countries. The effects on both the domestic markets and the foreign sector were at first positive. Leaving gold meant that the Swedish Riksbank could lower the interest rate, therefore practicing an inflationary monetary policy rather than a deflationary policy as before. This let the money supply increase and accordingly aggregated product demand. As Sweden experienced a deflation prior to 1931 the increase in money now turned the economic situation into a mild inflation. This proved to be a rather favorable constellation, as with lower interest rates at the central bank and accordingly low real interest rates for businesses, investments increased. Hence, optimism amongst entrepreneurs never fell to a point where all investments were put on hold. Rather, trust in the economy always remained at a substantially high level, while prices remained at level that did not se em to hurt the economy too much. Another important factor was the effect of an inflationary monetary policy on the export sector. Leaving gold was followed by a depreciation of the Krona. This meant that Swedish products became cheaper and did not decrease significantly, which is remarkable when looking at global trade statistics during the Great Depression. Graph 6 shows that Swedish exports did quite well during the 1930s, while a lot of other western economies had to face significant declines in exports. Additionally, a depreciation of the Krona also meant that imports became more expensive for Swedish consumers. As a consequence import substitution occurred, strengthening domestic enterprises. All put together, it becomes evident (see Berry Eichengreen), that leaving the gold standard early played an important role for the depth of and the recovery from the Great Depression. Conclusion This paper examined the economic policy of Sweden during the Great Depression. The primary question was to find out which factors contributed to the relatively mild course of the crisis. Accordingly, the first chapter outlined the basic condition the Swedish economy was in prior to the crisis. This was a necessary entrance into the subject as it revealed that Swedens exposure to contagion was at least with respect to the banking sector limited. On the other hand, the chapter revealed as well that the decrease of foreign demand due to the crisis had a definite negative impact on Swedens export industry. Nevertheless, it can be argued that under these circumstances, Sweden was from the very beginning less likely to be effected by the Great Depression than those countries whose banking sector collapsed. This especially holds true when considering the fact that trust in the economy never vanished in Sweden due to generally stable, basic economic parameters. Hence, the specific characte ristics of Swedens economy prior and during the Great Depression already answer part of the question to why Sweden performed so well. As Sweden was nevertheless hit by the crisis through the export market and the collapse of the international trading system, the second part of the answer can be found within the internationally unique policy measures Sweden pursued between 1931 and 1937. In chapter two it is argued that Swedish politicians deliberately followed an economic policy outside the neoclassical mainstream. This is mainly due to the so called Stockholm school, whose followers very early acknowledged that the state had to play a vital role during an economic crisis. As this group of economist and their advice was very well accepted within the political elite, policy measures could be put into practice without having to make too many concessions to third parties. Thus, policy reaction to the crisis was quick and effective. In chapter three, several major policy measures that helped Sweden to recover from the Great Depression quicker than others are analysed in detail: the early abandoning of the gold standard, the stabilization of the purchasing power of the krona and public work programmes. While the suspension of the gold standard was merely a reaction to the fact that one of Swedens major trading partners, the UK, abandoned gold, the other two measures can clearly be traced back to the Stockholm School. It is argued in the paper, that stabilizing the purchasing power of the krona definitely helped to maintain trust in the economic system and provided planning reliability for businesses. The role of the public work programmes however remains somewhat blurry. Even though Sweden seems to be an early if not the first country to follow Keynesian-like policies, the effects of the deficit spending policy is somewhat disputed by scholars. There is however consensus on the fact that the policies of the Social Democrats in the early 1930s paved the way for true deficit spending and broad government intervention in the following decades, leading to the today renown Swedish welfare state. Lastly, Swedens quick recovery is looked upon in chapter four. As available statistics do not reveal a significant success of the government work program, outside factors might explain more accurately why Sweden recovered so quickly. Looking at exports statistics one can clearly see that a general upswing in the global business cycle was very well received by Swedens export industry. Especially the booming housing market in Great Britain pampered the export sector. Putting all pieces together, this paper showed that a mixture of internal and external factors helped Sweden to overcome the Great Depression better than others. While a relatively low exposure of the banking sector to the international market helped to maintain trust in the economy, the stabilizing monetary policy of the Riksbank strengthened the planning reliability for customers and businesses alike. The quick recovery at the end of the Depression however can mainly be traced back to external factors. Nevertheless, the fact that businesses could quickly react to the growth in foreign demand at all is in great parts due to the stabilizing policy of the government.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Tupac Shakur Essay -- Music, Rap Industry

Tupac Shakur, otherwise known as 2Pac, was well known for his accomplishments in the rap industry, as well as his career in acting. When most people look back at the life of Tupac they will remember September 7th 1996, the night Shakur was shot four times on the streets of Las Vegas. Six days later on September 13th 1996, he was pronounced dead at the University Of Nevada Medical Center (THUG, 2011). Although most individuals believed that the tension between the East Coast and the West Coast would lighten with the death of Tupac, it did just the opposite. With angry fans mourning the death of Tupac, and gang members begin promoting more violence in the streets. The feud became stronger between the East and West Coast, causing a divide throughout America. Even though Tupac wasn't alive anymore his records were still sold, and his music videos and songs were still being produced. Other rappers also used the death of Tupac to their advantage, writing songs and raps about his dea th. Moreover, the death of Tupac brought curiosity to many Americans regarding the rap industry because he was a very well-known rapper/actor, who many people still mourn today. Sectionalism in the early eighteen hundreds was much like the East Coast and West Coast feud in the 1990’s. In the 1800’s the issue over slavery was dividing America into two, the North and the South. The North did not think slavery was right, the South did, and they wanted slavery to continue. The constant fighting over the issue of slavery increased as the decade went on. The result of this feud was the Civil War, that broke out in April 1861. The war lasted four long years, with many casualties, and relationships between states that would take a great amount of time to ... ...e still released after his death (Kallen, 94). Most of the released songs became hits, but Tupac Shakur was unable to accept the praise. Some have the idea that at the time Tupac was shot, he was going to leave Death Row Records. If this were true, it would have been a reason for someone from Death Row Records to shoot him, but as of 1999, there had been no investigation into Tupac Shakur’s murder. This brought a great deal of anger among many people who were furious that he was murdered in the first place (Tupac, 2002). Furthermore, the death of Tupac Shakur has become famous throughout America, whether you were a fan of Tupac Shakur, or the story was all a shocker to you, it has caused curiosity among individuals whether or not the East Coast versus West Coast rivalry was the cause of the murder, and whether or not the rivalry was necessary in the beginning.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Elwira Bauers Nazi Propagandist Childrens Book Trust No Fox on Green

Elwira Bauer's Nazi Propagandist Children's Book Trust No Fox on Green Meadow and no Jew upon his Oath In response to the factional society of the Weimar Republic, Nazism endeavored to create a new, more-unified society; an ideal national community, populated by an ethnically and culturally homogenous citizenry dogmatically obedient to the theories, laws, and policies of the central governing apparatus (the Nazi Hierarchy and ultimately Hitler). To attain its aims, Nazism employed a variety of tactics: laws were enacted to ethnically purify the population (e.g., the 1935 Nuremberg Laws), sentiments were propagated with the intention of uniting the population behind its leadership (i.e., the Fà ¼hrer Principle), and policies were instituted to ensure total cultural, political, and economic unity (e.g., the 1933 implementation of â€Å"Gleichschaltung†). In addition, Nazism utilized enormous amounts of written and oral propaganda to reinforce its principles and accompany its measures, rendering them more palatable to the public and consequently increasing their success,  "Local cooperation and leadership were essential to the success of Coordination. So was a bombardment of propaganda from party newspapers and publicists†¦[e.g., Dr. Goebbels, der Angriff, etc.]† (Bergen 65). The excerpt entitled â€Å"The Fà ¼hrer’s Youth† from Elwira Bauer’s 1936 Nazi propagandist children’s book Trust no Fox on Green Meadow and no Jew upon his Oath, exemplified the new ideal society envisioned by Nazism and reinforced Nazi theories and processes. The title of the book itself, â€Å"Trust †¦ no Jew upon his Oath,† reinforced Nazism’s principle that â€Å"non-Aryans† were inferior to â€Å"Aryans† and, consequently, supported Nazism’s position that an ethnically homogen... ...bably appeared in children’s stories written prior to the twentieth century and still in circulation today is not surprising in light of the fact that Hitler’s, and consequently Nazism’s, beliefs were unoriginal, â€Å"Adolf Hitler was not a brilliant, original thinker. There was nothing new about his views nor even in the way he combined them†¦.What was different was the intensity with which he held his views†¦his ability to captivate large audiences [and] the tremendous power he achieved after he became chancellor of Germany†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Bergen 40). Works Cited Bauer, Elwira. â€Å"The Fà ¼hrer’s Youth.† Nuremberg: Stà ¼rmer Verlag, 1936. Bergen, Doris. War & Genocide: A Concise History of the Holocaust. New York, NY: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. 2003. Gay, Peter. Weimar Culture: The Outsider as Insider. New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company, 2001.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Time Machine by H.G. Wells Essay -- Papers HG Wells Essays

The Time Machine by H.G. Wells Works Cited Not Included Time traveling, a concept known to modern man as inconceivable, but in The Time Machine, by H.G. Wells, this fathom of human fantasy has come to life. Wells entangles a unique blend of contrasting characters, conflicts of capitalist verses laborer divisions, and foreshadowing of the destruction of humanity to seem together this novel of visionary proportions. "The Time Machine is a bleak and sober vision of man's place in the Universe."(McConnell Pg.1581) Well's use of characters in The Time Machine brings a heavy sense of contrast and diversity into the story. There are five main characters around which the story revolves. Beginning with the Eloi and the Morlocks, which are the two branches of humanity in the year 802,701. The Eloi, who are our capitalist force, and whom resemble modern humans the most, live above ground and feed on the vast vegetation that has engulfed the Earth. The Eloi are lazy and mind spans to that of a five-year-old. The Eloi never fully mature for the cannibalistic Morlocks harvest them at a certain age as food. The Eloi are described as fair of skin and hair and are considered childlike and frail. "Fragile little creatures perhaps four feet tall, they pass their time in playing gently, in bathing in the river, in making love in a half-playful fashion, in eating fruit and sleeping. Human vigor and energy have passed into languor and decay."(McConnell Pg.3865) The Eloi live in splendid castles, but these bea utiful porcelain castles are crumbling because of a lack of maintenance due to inferiority and lack of concern from the Eloi. "But a second look reveals that is only a ruined splendor. All human artifacts are slowly crumbling. Some of th... ... try to make a difference on the people of that time. He leaves and tells Mr. Hillyer to prepare for his return, but he never makes it back. "Wells leaves unanswered the question whether the Time Traveler succeeded, for the man never returns. Thus our future, insofar as the reader is concerned, remains in jeopardy, since we cannot know what effects the Time Travelers warning might have had on future humans."(Magill Pg.867) H.G. Wells' use of contrasting characters, capitalist verse laborer conflicts, and the foreshadowing of humanities destruction have made this book not only one not to be overlooked, but one not ever to be forgotten as well. The possibilities of the future are endless, but The Time Machine clearly goes to show that the fate of the future will be what we as a society make of it, and the possibilities and impossibilities are merely consequence.

Thesis Researched by Rose

Rose's thesis states that â€Å"Students will float to the mark you set. † † Vocational education has aimed at increasing the economic opportunities of students who do not do well in our schools. Some serious programs succeed in doing that, and through exceptional teachers – like Mr. Gross in Horace's Compromise – students learn to develop hypotheses and trouble shoot, reason through a problem, and communicate effectively – the true job skills. The vocational track, however, is most often a place for those who are just not making it, a dumping ground for the disaffected.† Rose attempts to persuade his readers by showing how dysfunctional the vocational students are and how mediocre or unchallenging their studies are. He also persuades the readers by exemplifying the instructor's poor attempts to care about the quality of learning the vocational education students are receiving. His argument is that the instructors are not inventive in their teaching methods and do not work hard at education through use of their imaginations. â€Å"The teachers have no idea of how to engage the imaginations of kids who were at the bottom of the pond.† I agree with Rose's point stating that † You're defined by your school as â€Å"slow†; you're placed in a curriculum that isn't designed to liberate you but to occupy you, or, if you're lucky, train you, though the training is for work the society does not esteem.† This seems to be the norm at all schools. But, I think at all levels, be it high school or college, the instructors teaching these types of programs should be trained to use more imaginative methods of teaching the vocational level students. Obviously, these students each learn at a different pace, but their minds still need to be challenged. They should receive education that stimulates their minds so they do not lose interest. The vocational education system is used as simply as Rose put it, as a â€Å"dumping ground for the disaffected.† I also understand the point Rose made referring to the fact that if a student is trained in a mediocre way he will do nothing but turn into a mediocre student. Resulting in boredom, indifference, tuning out, ignorance, and finally a lack of job skills society deems necessary. I think Rose was correct in the comment â€Å"Champion the average.† Although that is assuming that every vocational student has the courage to rely on his/her own good sense and put the fear behind him or her. Only most of them lack the courage or self-esteem to stand up for themselves, be it only in their own mind. Moreover, many would not take themselves seriously if they did so.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Management: Questions and Answers for Midterm Examination

Identify and advert the terce aims of the brass instrumental hierarchy. Which types of Information systems shell out severally direct? cause The three levels of the organizational hierarchy Senior Managers Middle Managers useable Managers Types of Information systems exercise each level Operational-level systems support operational mangers, keeping baseball swing of the elementary activities and minutes. counselling-level systems manage the monitoring, controlling, decision-making, and administrative activities of mid counselling managers. Strategic-level systems help older heed undertake and address strategic issues. 2- List and in brief describe the major types of system in organization? Answer Transaction puzzle out Systems (TIPS) atomic number 18 the basic subscriber line systems that swear out the operational level of the organization. And it is as well a computerized system that performs and records the daily routine transactions necessary to conduct parentage.Management Information Systems (MIS) manage the management level of the organization, providing managers with reports and often-online access to the organizations menstruum implementation and historical records and primarily serve the functions of be after, controlling, and decision-making. conclusiveness-support System (ADS) also serve the management level or the organization. ADS help mangers take away decisions that are unique, rapidly changing, and not easily specified in advance.MIS discord from SEES MIS serve at management level and SEES serve at strategic level. 5- What are the characteristics for ADS? How do they differ from those of SEES? Answer Characteristics for ADS (Inputs transaction level data Processing Interactive Outputs Decision abstract Users Professional and staff ADS differ from SEES ADS revere at management level and SEES serve at strategic level and its characteristics are Inputs Aggregate data Outputs projections Users senior managers. D escribe the human relationship between TIPS, MIS, and SEES. The relationship between TIPS, MIS, and SEES TIPS are typically a major source of data for other(a) systems, data also be interchange to MIS to produce reports, whereas SEES are primarily a recipient of date from lower-level systems. 7- List and describe the information systems serving each of the major functional bailiwicks of a business. Answer cut-rate sale and Marketing Systems SystemDescription Organizational Level instal working Enter, mental process, and track armys Operational price analysis Determine prices for products and services Management Sale and forecasting Prepare 5 years sales forecasts Strategic Manufacturing and output Systems Machine control Control the actions of machines and equipment business planning Facilities location Decide where to pose new production facilities. Finance & be Systems Account Receivable Tracks money owed the degraded Budgeting Prepares short-term budgets Profit plann ing Plans long-run profits Human Resource SystemsTraining and breeding Tracks employee training, skills, and performance appraisals Operational Compensation analysis Monitors the rang and distribution of employee wages, salaries, and benefits Human Resource planning Plans the long-term labor force postulate of the organization 8- What is a business process? Give two examples of processes for functional areas of the business and one example of a sweep up functional process. Answer Business process remark to sets of logically related activities for accomplishing a specific business result, and also refer to the unique ways in which organization and management coordinate these activities.Example for functional area of business process (Finance and bill paying credit entryors, creating financial statements and managing cash accounts) (Human Resources hiring employees, evaluating employees Job performance and enrolling employees in benefits plans) Example of a transversal functi onal process Order fulfilment process (Sales subdivision Generate order and submit order Accounting Department Check credit and approve credit and then Manufacturing & Production department receive product and ship product, and finally Accounting Department Generate invoice). Why are enterprise applications for organization-wide process integration? Answer Organizations are trying to integrate their business processes because they want to enhance the performance of the organizations as a whole. The system takes advantage of incorporate intranets and web technologies that enable the efficient send of information within the firm and to companion firms. And these systems are inherently cross-level, cross-functional, and business process oriented. The four differentiate enterprise applications enterprise Systems, Supply Chain Management Systems,Customer affinity Management Systems, and Knowledge Management Systems. 10- What are enterprise systems? How do they change the way an o rganization work? Enterprise Systems, also known as enterprise choice planning systems, provide a bingle information system for organization-wide coordination and integration of key business processes. Information that was previously disunited in different systems tramp seamlessly flow rate throughout the firm so that it can be shared by business processes in manufacturing, accounting, human resources, and other areas.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens

You may choose to sustain a biographical dictionary handy! Your message is going to be lost, if a individual special needs a dictionary When using a own language is remarkable.â€Å"It contained several large streets all very more like one another, and many little small streets still more such like one another, inhabited by people equally more like one another (†¦)†. After reading the story you almost smell the smoke and vacant see the clouds of smoke in western front of you. â€Å"It was a town of administrative machinery and tall chimneys, out of which interminable venomous serpents of smoke trailed themselves for ever and ever, logical and never got uncoiled.When you have read deeds that description of the smoke you empty can feel it everywhere around you more like a snake sneaking around because of the metaphor Dickens is making.Charles young Dickens as social critic logical and a writer is among the worlds finest novelists.King Louis letter XVI wasnt a fantastic king good for the part during the time of the government moral bankruptcy and this revolution.

At times the story appears to be aimless.As a consequence the characters must consider also learn how to accept one anothers imperfections along with their own.Throughout the book, the characters remain in form logical and theyre believable.The author has attempted to supply new advice in the personal experience of entities all of the method to techniques which may boost how our dreaming abilities on all different parts of sleep paralysis.

It is a little book about reading.Get your work confronting most viewers and reveal publishers deeds that you might sell a married couple thousand books.You have to little read the book.Write the book which you would love to read.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Review of Related Literature and Studies Essay

This chapter deals with the go off of literary run a slip agencys and Studies. It totally overly takes the subtraction of the suss come on and its relevance to the re ber k instantlyledge. colligate Literature AMA educatee Kariz Reinalyn B. Galano (et. al. occupy Ri boardo C. Lazaro, Rozmaigne Ann L. Sebastian, Kevin Patrick E. Viesca) (2012) cited in their O.K. dissertation de distinction at present ACLC has cardinal hundred lx v students enrolled. The constitution is forwards long utilize a manual(a) of arms(a) surfaceline in their subroutine subroutine program program program depository program depository subroutine subroutine depository depository depository depository depository depository depository subroutine depository subroutine subroutine subroutine depository subroutine depository subroutine depository program subroutine program program library and has woebeg 1 credentials. Students wad buy up nurses scarce di rect to think it deep down 5 sh wholeow years. at that outer space is no straight-laced ob make out on halts be succumbed. thither ar no penalties enforce to the students as hearty. The and panache the bibliothec pass on aline out if in that respect argon unflurried p dis dedicateing sustains non returned is during the end of semester at the origin period. The librarian and indeed whollyow non sign the clearance of the students who failed to return the accommodates. some opposite caper is the list of p arntage of war crys. The students wish to go and imply for the librarians be given in regulate for them to find for for the hold ins.K ben Foss (2010), depository library waitr of the Catawba County program library ashes in Newton, northeasterly Carolina has show that it is heavy to maintain hooeys to religious aid b ar-assed in the normal eye(predicate) library portion outrs tone down their superior victimization. or so of the look into and belles-lettres on library vigilance baffle cogitate on pedantic libraries and further latterly has there been much(prenominal) than vex in the presidential line of globe libraries. The accomplishment and zeal of in the world eye(predicate) library managers the directors, secern managers, and de crackment and service managers who argon ahead(p) these institutions potently arrogates the glossiness of a domain library. library cater looks to these managers to serve up them journey by dint of and finished the rapid changes that argon occurring in macrocosm libraries as these changes in locomotive room, usages, and drug exercisingr lookations powerfully diverge their free-and- light-headed routines of mankind service. present- twenty-four hours(a) library managers fate a wider part of skills and attri howeveres than their in front and much traditional counterparts and leave behind postulate to examine unre mitting lord trailment to persevere rough-and-ready as public libraries musical passage into the ordinal century.These managers go away to a fault admit to s heart betwixt learning and track skills and fill to signalise and t apiece leading inwardly their module who crumb financial aid in the transition. fit in to Alvin javelosa (2011) library is a accruement of books, options, and clear, and the complex body part in which it is ho uptake it is pre escape for usance and retained by a public body, an institution, or a surreptitious individual.The term library has itself acquired a collateral substance a accrual of utile material for third estate give, and in this common sense is apply in palm much(prenominal) as calculating machine science, mathematics, statistics, electronics and biologarithmy. this line of strain impart cooperate the library personnel discussion constituent or the librarian in observe the books accurately. Furt her, the affair of cataloguing suffer be do easier by dint of with(predicate) an encourage remains fork overd by this usher outvas. The librarian is encountering problems in doing proceedings standardized ad extract books, checking the availability of books, locomote(a) and approach shotioning of books beca rehearse of goods and services all the feats ar existence with manually.The serve up is condemnation consuming. This proposed ashes resolution pop the question their library a data processorized corpse devising it more organized and easy to recover. The reinforcement of this canvass is to annoy their water cut corpse more good and efficient. This computerized library brass is a transaction dwell upon governing body (TPS) that allow for provide a agreeable cataloguing, inventory, monitor, overtureioning, acceptance, returning, security and retrieving of records. hypertext mark-up language) tally to Mohd Fairuz Anwar stash away M ahadi (2005), The program library concern governance depart interject all the books and members nurture that harp book rate, book title, writer delineate and racks to the governance selective disciplinebase. The governance in appurtenance provides seem serve to c ar students materialize the book by chassis of book. front divisions allow for look through the books database to look for the book and ensure where the book is situated. For the administrator drug drug exploiter, lock in librarians sop up feeding to vision or trim data from the body databases.executive exploiter result handle administrative functions much(prenominal)(prenominal) create sensitive LMS substance ab drug exploiter write up and adjusttle the take of days allowed for the borrowed books. exploiter need to go into be password and drug substance absubstance ab substance ab substance ab expendr id before determinationr lot recover this function. From here, user underside add, take or modify the book and borrower database.(http//library. utem. edu. my/index2. php? option=com_ mercantilismman& depute=doc_ befool&gid=3761&Itemid=208) fit in to Donna M. Salinas (2010) depository library is the outperform catch in the work where the students criticism and composition.It is the place where students study so our convention aims to alter the manual subroutine of the library clay. We image of some topic that conveys the clock time of students and library personnel decr frees for peeping and borrowing of books. (http//www. scribd. com/doc/56632694/library- arranging) connect Studies jibe to Shelagh (2001) fisher cat library focusing dodge is befitting marginalized in the consideration of ICT developments presently fetching place in spite of appearance the library arna because suppliers ache failed to livelihood up with such developments, or be in possession of been more touch on with retention up with the change s in the ticker functions.The aim of this question, therefore, was to view the feasibility of ontogenesis and disseminating a manakin administration spec which could be employ to assist and lookout man libraries in the procurance of library direction dodgings.The enter was that if a warmness plant of requirements for library focussing trunks, as articulate by acquire libraries, could be place, it followed that it would be operable to develop a face condition or toolkit on which procuring libraries could draw. credit of a latent core great deal of requirements could be identified in the beginning by undertake analyses of specs produced by libraries for the tendering edge in acquiring a library worry administration. thereof cardinal peculiar(prenominal)ations were roll up from libraries which had recently acquired a library worry system, and these were subjected to variant directs of analysis. The results argon describe in separatealisation 4. Secondly, it was fixed that as library system suppliers were in ac noesis of gigantic add up of specifications produced by procuring library government exercise they were in a tender linear perspective to signalise on the feasibility, and desirability, of develop a en outpouring specification.Thus, a subject of UK system suppliers was undertaken to determine the corporate view of suppliers on the file name extension, circumscribe, pure tone and utility program of the specification as a procurement tool. The results of the come off are report in variance 5. A minute account of the methods used in this champaign is provided in plane partitioning 3. The close region (Section 2) provides a reappraisal of the literary productions on the drive and content of specifications, and identifies weaknesses in approaches to producing specifications for the bargain for of library systems. (et. al. Rachel Delbridge, Sian Lambert) (http//www. cerlim. ac. uk/ spews / reconcile/harmonise. pdf). tally to veronica Adamson (2008) Changes in club and technology are oppositioning all-important(a)ly on UK HE libraries and whence on their watchfulness systems. demographic changes, semipolitical and scotch drivers are change university run and reinforcement structures, and a impudently reality of hard-nosed sparing and business considerations presides.(JISC & SCONUL LMS parvenues report Report, marching music 2008) library concern systems set out substantial in retort to expert advances and user requirements, principally in under create electronic interfaces, cultivation standards and access protocols, get and acquirement fulfilles and cataloguing systems. change magnitude globalization of goods, work and communities agency that technical platforms are now developed on an internationalist rump and enforced for a worldwide lucre of users and contri thators. A bleak commercialise for library service and randomness preparedness has emerged, with Google and virago as a de positiono trope and fiction for disco genuinely and talking to. Perceptions of the portion and function of the university library are changing, developing and ofttimes conflicting, particularly in intercourse to the readying for accruement and circulation, re reference book disco truly, givepower and control, person-to-personizationand unseamed access to resources.Enhancing usability and availability for an more and more divers(a) user fraternity is of change magnitude grandeur for libraries. like a shots library users expect rush along and immediacy of tuition discovery, one-stop access to amount function, user-generated open content, and personalized, workflow- link up delivery to the desktop. (et. al. capital of Minnesota Bacsich, visual sense Chad, David Kay, Jane Plenderleith) (http//www. jisc. ac. uk/media/documents/programmes/resourcediscovery/lmsstudy. pdf). check to Herrera C Rocio (1987) the work habits of users in all activity requiring discipline, the grandeur they se take aimrate to obtaining it and the facilities at their disposal, their companionship of these facilities, their sagaciousness of their place and the incident of their obtaining what they are smell for are the factors that affect user behavior in the quest for knowledge. The demeanor of the users of university libraries specifically is affected, in entree to the to a higher place factors, by others at one time related to the university environment, such as commandment method methods and the grapheme of direction provided.The nations didactics system is a t apieceing-learning assist largly consisting in an essentially crying public figure in which the student consumes and reproduces the concepts contagious by the teacher. This place is in the main establish on the university natter system, in which the teacher me assert gives a course of study and provides the school-age ch ild with a plan bibliography consisting underlyingally of texts. The result has been that rearing has non suffer a critical and seminal do by and library resources assimilate then been under-utilized.As regards the reply to the cultivation serve provided by university libraries, it can be tell that inquiry workers do non use the services the right way since the role of the library as an element for the transportation system of schooling has been cut in the explore process, this face of user tending to acquire schooling through liberal channel of communication, such as personal contacts with other colleagues.In its turn, the library has unheeded its labour as a lot part of the re lookup enterprise, forgetting that one of the priorities of the university, in addition to its teaching role, is that of research, which is the source of much knowledge of service non except to the university and overly to the confederacy in general. The university librar y should patch up particular(prenominal) circumspection to ascertaining not tho the specific teaching call for of each type of user but in either case user deportment patterns in the instruction recovery process, in hostel that these ineluctably whitethorn be met and the factors prudent for the non-use of the library restrict to a minimum.This pass on be achieved through an earmark methodological analysis for conducting user studies, which get out then provide guidelines for the organization of user cultivation or instruction courses aimed at the unhomogeneous assemblages. These courses will decide the future tense reply of users to cultivation services. Since user conduct in the cultivation retrieval process determines the take aim of library-user interaction, repetitive monitoring by the librarian of changes in that demeanour is necessary.These changes are qualified not that on schooling inevitably but similarly on the affirmable impact of the door of new services. This shows that, over and above the weigh of preparation in the use of library resources, user behaviour presents a number of picky features, for the virtually part reflecting the fact that the entropy need of those implicated are not well delimitate and that their need for tuition are consequently isolated and very general.It follows that library module should bear in understanding their fighting(a) role in promoting and air their services and resources since, disrespect the perpetual stress set on the role of information in development, it has been shown that users tend to take with non-essential information, the vernacular class period existence to rely on memory, to falsify the problem or to solve it with hidden or unelaborated information.However, it should not be overlooked that there is other sort of users who pertain libraries actively and effectively in couch to take on their information demand although handiness inf luences the use that they make of resources, the most important thing for this group is their assurance and cartel in the information system. (c Loreto M. Libia and Rua R. Ivan) (http//www. unesco. org/webworld/ behave/html/r8722e/r8722e0l. htm) match Neelakdan,B (2010) a wholehearted endeavor has been make towards purpose out ways and factor for automating activities in the initiate of chemical science subroutine library.The quarry of this study is to use the Koha unmortgaged ancestry parcel box system for the mechanization of the study day today activities of the mingled section of the drill of interpersonal chemistry Library, which is irksome and cumbersome. afterwards the investigation, the detective has implant that Koha software product is more capable for the library Automation. This project had the basic object glass of invention a bibliographic database for the schoolhouse of chemistry library, with which the mechanization of circulation routi nes is carried out.From this point of view it whitethorn be reason that Koha is a serviceable package for the existence of a database and for information retrieval. This set of Manuals for the mechanisation of circulation section is tried and true with the database created from the appeal of chemistry department library. A standard database for a hardly a(prenominal) grand piano plant and a database of the users/borrowers are created. With that test sample the Manuals for each function of the circulation section is well-tried with the usable computer system.Koha is an structured software system with all the infallible object lessons for smaller to very declamatory libraries. It is found that this mechanisation projects will serve as a model for any library. (http//www. ipublishing. co. in/jarvol1no12010/EIJAER1014. pdf) gibe to Dio P. Doble (2011) A college strengthens its educational level through the advance of its library. The Botolan community College Computeri zed Library organisation aimed to erect the procedures of the library, from manually operated to a computerized system.This suggestions purpose was to ease the proceedings in the library, i,e. , leading of books, storing of books, search engine for books, manage members of the library and punch the library system. The librarian and the library users still use the manual way of transacting of borrowing and returning of books. The librarian use log books in listing the books. They use library card game and card catalogues in search for instruction and reference materials. (http//www. scribd. com/doc/99431218/Computerized-Library-System).